

by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Anly

Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Stellar War TV Anime (ending song)

Song album

Tranquility / Trollz

Transcribed by



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Song key(s)

C# major

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by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Anly
Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Stellar War TV Anime (ending song)

C# major



| C#add9  -  G#  -  A#m  -  F# |

| C#add9  -  G#  -  A#m  -  F# |


It only takes Fmone lone soF#ul

It only takes G#one in a thoA#musand

The absence of Fmfear in your eF#yes

No, thG#at’s not braveA#mry

As children we F#learn it’s wG#rong

to put out the Fmlight of anA#mother

Our innocence F#lost over tG#ime

A#mMeans to an eC#nd


It’s F#hard to hold your heA#mad up high

But wFme must tryD#m


Sway toA#mgether in the daF#rk

It’s supG#posed to bC#e

‘Cos I A#mwant to know the eF#nd

and you never G#ever need to fFmight

But you’re A#mfighting everydF#ay

And I don’t kG#now when your light wC#ill go outG#/B#

A#mInnocent crying chF#ild

The G#heart of your eneC#my

My heart to F#heart with the lG#ight

and we aA#mlways get along

CouC#nting the F#stars in the sG#ky

thinking wA#mhy they have to die

JuFmst face to F#face we can heG#ar

a voice telA#mling us it’s wrong

CouC#nting the F#stars in the sG#ky

It was liA#mke a lullaby


| C#add9  -  G#  -  A#m  -  F# |

| C#add9  -  G#  -  A#m  -  F# |


For sunsets I’ll Fmbreak the ruF#les

We learnt playing G#down in the heaA#mther

The secrets beFmhind all the veF#ils

We jG#ust use other woA#mrds

For freedom we F#make our chaG#rge

For friendship we Fmbare down on oA#mthers

Can’t one of you F#just calculG#ate



It’s F#hard to hold your heA#mad up high

But wFme must tryD#m


Sway toA#mgether in the daF#rk

It’s supG#posed to bC#e

‘Cos I A#mwant to know the eF#nd

and you never G#ever need to fFmight

But you’re A#mfighting everydF#ay

And I don’t kG#now when your light wC#ill go outG#/B#

A#mInnocent crying chF#ild

The G#heart of your eneC#my


| F#  -  G#  -  A#m  -  A#m , C# |

| F#  -  G#  -  A#m  -  A#m , Fm |

| F#  -  G#  -  A#m  -  A#m , C# |

| F#  -  G#  -  A#m  -  (rest) |


Sway toA#mgether in the daF#rk

It’s supG#posed to bC#e

‘Cos I A#mwant to know the eF#nd

and you never G#ever need to fFmight

But you’re A#mfighting everydF#ay

And I don’t kG#now when your light wC#ill go outG#/B#

A#mInnocent crying chF#ild

The G#heart of your eneC#my

My heart to F#heart with the lG#ight

and we aA#mlways get along

CouC#nting the F#stars in the sG#ky

thinking wA#mhy they have to die

JuFmst face to F#face we can heG#ar

a voice telA#mling us it’s wrong

CouC#nting the F#stars in the sG#ky

It was liA#mke a lullaby

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Transcriber's comments



Song Transcriber


Song Transcriber

Such a Mind Blowing Song!

Hey guys! This is Quuplet's first transciption of the year! And we are back with a blast with!

Now on to the song, OMG it's such a great song I don't know where to start. Here goes!!

Firstly, Anly has such a strong voice and man.. she has good pronunciation for a Japanese! Really love the general accuracy of her pronunciation of English words. And the harmonisation, so good! She sung over the song twice to harmonise in many parts of the song, giving it so much character. Then when she doesn't harmonise, it's all focused on one voice. Just amazing!

Next, as we all know SawanoHiroyuki is such an amazing composer. Most of the chords hit the first beat of the bar, with some few exceptions. The exceptions really create an unexpected feeling that is just simply amazing.

And if you didn't already realise, Anly sang some of the words at one-eighth beat before the next bar. You can feel that the melody and instruments are all following the lead of the voice, albeit in a slight delay. But do realise again, that the chords mostly start at the first beat of the bars. OMG I'm so mind-blown when I was transcribing and analysing this song!

This is by far, my favourite song from SawanoHiroyuki, also thanks to Anly's strong voice and good pronunciation of English. I SO LOVE THIS SONG!

Hope you guys love this transcription! :)

Posted 05 Feb, 2020.