Ref:rain (TV Size)
by Aimer
Koi wa Ameagari no You ni TV Anime (ending song)
Released 21 Feb, 2018
Song album
Transcribed by

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G major
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❤️ Buy us a coffee!Ref:rain (TV Size)
by Aimer Koi wa Ameagari no You ni TV Anime (ending song)
G major
Gnatsu no gogo ni tooriame F#mkasa no shitaEm
Emnureta hoo ni sotto kuchidDzukeCta
ano kiseDtsu ni mada kogareGteiru
Gnanimo Cte ni tsukazu Dni uwanoBmsora no hibiC
NothingAm but you’re the part of Dme
mada tarinakuCte mada DkienakuEmte
kasaGneta tenoChira kara Dosanasa Emga
What a Ggood thing we Close?
What a Dbad thing we Emknew
sonGna fureezu ni Cnureteku Dame no naEmka
tada GtarinakuCte mada DienakuEmte
kazoGeta hi no Cyume kara Dsayonara Emga
What a Ggood thing we Close?
What a Dbad thing we Emknew
furerarezu ni iCreta nara waDraeta ka Emna?
Transcriber's comments
Song Transcriber
Song Transcriber
Weirdly Beautiful
It’s one of those songs you know has a funny harmony in it. Hear how the piano mostly plays the A key in the background at the beginning, making the song feel like its floating until the prechorus where it loosens and resolves into the chorus beautifully. Then, comes the rush and busyness where all the instruments come in at once, with Aimer’s voice. Excellent song, majorly thanks to that weird A key at the beginning!
Hope you’ll enjoy the transcription.
Posted 09 Feb, 2018.